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Gran tour dei Sibillini in MTB

40 km
Elevation gain
Elevation gain
1300 m
6 hours
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Price notes: l'escursione comprende organizzazione, guida (istruttore SIMB) con assicurazione RCT, assicurazione infortuni personale

Le nostre guide vi accompagneranno nel cuore del Parco, in un continuo susseguirsi di versanti, profonde vallate e praterie d’alta quota che faranno da sfondo alle principali vette dei Monti Sibillini.

Sosta per il pranzo in rifugio e bagno finale sulle turchesi acque del lago di Fiastra.

S2 = Tecnica di guida avanzata

Single Track Scale S2: all’interno della classificazione S2 sono compresi percorsi che presentano radici di maggiore grandezza, pietre, gradoni e scale in sequenza poco impegnative. Spesso s’incontreranno curve strette quasi a gomito e pendenze che in alcuni passaggi potranno raggiungere il 70%. Gli ostacoli possono essere superati solo con una discreta abilità di guida. La capacità di frenare in qualsiasi momento, insieme a quella di spostare i punti d’equilibrio del proprio corpo, sono tecniche necessarie per il livello S2. Altrettanto necessario è saper dosare precisamente la frenata e mantenere il corpo sempre attivo durante la guida. In breve:

  • Condizioni del percorso: terreno il più delle volte non compatto, radici sporgenti e pietre
  • Ostacoli: ostacoli di vario genere e scaloni
  • Pendenza: < 70%
  • Curve: strette quasi a gomito
  • Tecnica di guida: avanzata


Meeting place

Monti Sibillini are the fourth highest mountain range of mainland Apennines after Gran Sasso, Maiella and Velino-Sirente and is located in the Umbria-Marche Apennine, along the main ridge of central Apennine. Sibillini are in between the provinces of Ascoli PIceni, Fermo, Macerata and Perugia. Since 1993, the area is part of Monti Sibillini National Park, extraordinary land for its natural landscape, but also for the abundance of interesting historical-cultural sites.

Some of the highest peaks of Monti Sibillini are: Monte Vettore 2476 m (the highest peak of the range), Cima del Redentore (Scoglio del Lago) 2449 m, Palazzo Borghese 2145 m, Monte Porche 2233 m, Monte Sibilla 2173 m, Monte Bove 2169 m, Pizzo Berro 2259 m, Monte Priora (Regina) 2332 m, Pizzo Tre Vescovi 2090 m, Monte Rotondo 2102 m. Monti Sibillini National Park area is ideal for hiking, trekking, climbing, skiing, mountain bike, cyclotourism and any kind of outdoor activity, in summer as well as in winter. Within this area, there are also very important sites for culture, history, art and religion.

Flora e Fauna

Speaking of flora in Sibillini National Park, immediately the famous flowering of Piani di Castelluccio comes to mind (blossoming between June / July depending on the season), but we must not forget that the whole territory presents similar and equally spectacular natural events. Inside the Park, you can easily meet Alpine Stars, Orchids, Alpine Anemone, that give a magic aspect to the fields. The park is rich in beeches, chestnuts and hornbeam forests, ideal places for long walks sheltered from the summer heat or pleasant breaks between sightseeing trips.

The area, thanks to the Park and the recent works of rehabilitation, is rich in wildlife that it is not unusual to meet during excursions and walks (Wolf, Wild cat, Porcupine, Badger, Fox, Abruzzo chamois, Squirrel, Dormouse, Wild boar, Roe deer, Deer, Golden Eagle, Buzzard, Kestrel, Orsini Viper, Grass Snake). A special mention goes to the Chirocefalo Marchesonii, a crustacean found only in Monti Sibillini which has its "home" right in Lake Pilato, giving its waters the unmistakable red colour.

Legends and Magical places 
Within the area of Monti Sibillini, legends have been handed down for centuries, giving an aura of mystery to the whole area. Near the top of Mount Sibilla (after which the whole massif is named) there is the cave where, according to legend, Apennines Sibyl found shelter. Lake Pilato, which owes its name to the story according to which the wagon with the body of Pontius Pilate ended its run there, the blood of the Roman prosecutor still gives to the water of the lake its famous reddish colour. The whole area, far from the main roads and very inaccessible, for centuries gave refuge to heretics, bandits and necromancers.

What to do in Monti Sibillini National Park
Risorse Active Tourism organises, throughout the year, active and sustainable tourism activities for every need. We will take you in the Park with hikes, trekking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, cyclotourism, holiday camps and more. Our specialized guides and instructors will be able to meet all your needs. Risorse Active Tourism also organises tailored activities for groups, schools and associations. Would you like to know what’s the weather like in Sibillini? watch the webcam. Find out about Risorse upcoming activities in Monti Sibillini, check out our calendar.

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