Staffolo, sunset in the Land of Verdicchio
A pleasant and evocative stroll in the hours of sunset, when the countryside prepares to rest and silence reigns undisturbed. The country roads of the Staffolo territory exude all the charm of places suspended in time. This small town in the hinterland of Ancona boasts numerous stories and legends intertwined with its foundation, closely linked to Verdicchio, the undisputed protagonist of the area. We'll stroll through the countryside and vineyards, while a beautiful panorama unfolds around us, stretching from the Adriatic to the Apennines. Later, we'll meander through the maze of alleyways in the historic center until we reach, in the end, the town's wine shop, where a visit to the wine art museum awaits us, along with a rich tasting of typical products.
Itinerario su stradine, mulattiere o sentieri ben tracciati che non pongono incertezze o problemi di orientamento. Si svolgono solitamente al di sotto dei 2000 metri. Richiedono comunque una certa conoscenza dell’ambiente montano e una preparazione fisica alla camminata.