Mount Cucco and its incredible caves

The caves of Mount Cucco, with over 30 kilometers of galleries, are one of the most important hypogeal systems in Europe and certainly among the most well-known and studied in the world.
The itinerary will take us above and then inside the mountain, to discover extraordinary environments made of limestone, which thanks to water and time has given life to countless extraordinary shapes.
Once we have visited the caves, we will proceed to the summit of Mount Cucco to enjoy the magnificent views of the Umbrian-Marche Apennines and Umbria
Costo ingresso grotta 15 €.
Sono itinerari su sentieri e/o sterrate dove si possono incontrare brevi tratti ripidi, ma che non presentano tratti esposti. Richiedono allenamento alla camminata, oltre a calzature ed equipaggiamento adeguati.