Lame Rosse at sunset and under the first stars of the night

One of the most famous hiking trails in the Sibillini Mountains, as well as in the Marche region and beyond. Immersed in the splendid setting of Fiastra Lake, appreciated for the variety of environments, including the relic holm oak forest of Fiastrone, and for the striking shapes and colors of the Lame Rosse, rocky formations characterized by small canyons and pinnacles.
You reach the Lame Rosse in the late afternoon, the best time to enjoy the atmosphere of this magical place in complete silence, until the appearance of the stars. The return will be magical, in the enchanting atmosphere of the forest at night, illuminating the path with headlamps.
Sono itinerari su sentieri e/o sterrate dove si possono incontrare brevi tratti ripidi, ma che non presentano tratti esposti. Richiedono allenamento alla camminata, oltre a calzature ed equipaggiamento adeguati.