Aperi-walk della Musica

Recanati, City of Poetry and Music.
A walk following the notes, the music, and the stories of those who have been making musicians play, sing, and thrill audiences worldwide for decades.
We will visit an ancient artisan workshop of organetto builders, among the most prestigious in Europe, and then wander through countryside and alleys until we reach the Museum of Music and Beniamino Gigli, a famous tenor known worldwide and the 'crown jewel' of the Metropolitan Opera in New York.
At the end of the walk, an aperitif awaits in a charming outdoor location to enjoy the sunset.
Itinerario su stradine, mulattiere o sentieri ben tracciati che non pongono incertezze o problemi di orientamento. Si svolgono solitamente al di sotto dei 2000 metri. Richiedono comunque una certa conoscenza dell’ambiente montano e una preparazione fisica alla camminata.