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Umbria: the green heart of Italy

The route of Saint and the Painters
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Following the sandals footsteps of St. Francis and the frescoes by Giotto and Perugino, a great crossing of mystical places and cultural life in the territory of Umbria. From Assisi, the town at the bottom of Mount Subasio Natural Park, the place of the conversion of Francis which houses the marvelous Basilica frescoes by Giotto. Walking to Spello, a small medieval village set up between the vineyards and the hills, following the paths of the Franciscan friars. The elegant and noble Perugia, the wild shores of Trasimeno lake, along the ancient roads to Panicale, a tiny architectural gem overlooking the Umbrian countryside and the lake


Day 1 - Assisi

The journey starts in Assisi, a quiet town with a medieval center beautifully intact.  Keeping on across forest and the high meadows of Monte Subasio we will have a beautiful view to the Umbria Valley before back to Assisi, birthplace of

St. Francis, the patron saint of animals and the environment, Assisi's finely preserved marble buildings and scenic location on the slopes of Mt Subasio. Contribute to its reputation as one of the most beautiful towns in Umbria. The basilica of St. Francis – a UNESCO World Heritage Site –  which attracted some of the most famous and greatest architects and artists from every part of Italy and abroad, is an architectural gem. Visit Assisi and Saint Francis Basilica

Day 2 – Gubbio

Private transfer to the starting point in the middle of the Umbrian countryside. Following the ancient roads that linked Assisi to Gubbio, we discover the real agricultural life of the region: between corn field, farmhouse and gardens we

reach the historical centre of Gubbio. The legend of S. Francis and the wolf is waiting for us at the gate of the town…Free time to visit the elegant medieval village. Private transfer to Assisi and guided visit of S. Francis Basilica.

Free dinner in Assisi and overnight in Assisi..

Day 3 – Castelluccio di Norcia and the big spaces

Hiking morning to Norcia. The fascinating landscape of Castelluccio, magical and unique in its beauty, takes on fantastic and almost surreal characteristics from the end of May to the beginning of July, when the plains become a

sea of colour thanks to the spontaneous blooms of the wild flowers which grow alongside the cultivated and prized lentils

Day 4 – On the way to Spoleto

From Valnerina we follow the route of a disused, but once famous railway, a remarkable example of 19C engineering. Cross a pass before descending through chestnut woods, farmland and olive groves to enter Spoleto across the Ponte

delle Torri, the most elegant approach on foot to any city in Italy. An opportunity to explore the medieval city, enjoy its many fine works of art and architecture, and do some shopping.

Day 5 – Montefalco art and wine

Montefalco, which is placed in a dominating position looking down on the valleys of the Topino and the Clitunno rivers, offers the viewer of a sweeping panorama of the Umbrian countryside. The buildings inside the ancient town

walls which are definitely worth visiting are, without doubt, the Town Hall, which dates back to the 13th century, as does the church of St. Augustine, the Romanic church of St. Bartholomew with the Portal of Frederick II (1244) to be found near-by and the church of St. Chiara where, inside, you'll discover paintings by the Umbrian school. In the afternoon a gentle walk and visit to one of the most prestigious wineries in the area for a wine tasting

Day 6 – Perugia, Panicale and Orvieto

Tansfer to the noble and elegant Perugia with the St. Lorenz Cathedral and the paints of Perugino, one of the most important Italian painter. Guided visit and private transfer to Panicale, a real architectonical medieval jewel, rising on a landscape composed by vineyards and olives, villas and farms. The view on the “Trasimeno Lake” is astonishing. After visiting the cue little town with narrow cobbled stone street, churches and fountains, transportation to Orvieto and free time to discover the centre. It keeps the Cathedral, a work of architecture and religious harmony among the most important in Italy, a very well-preserved medieval town center

Day 7 – Departure

Technical organization:
Passamontagna Viaggi - Via Madonna del Sasso Bianco, 10 – 62035 Fiastra (MC)
Info and reservations: – Tel. +39.333.4310165 (Marta)